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Troops to U.S.-Mexico Border a 'Political Act,' Gen. McChrystal Says
Trump floats plan to send additional troops to U.S.-Mexican border
Gen. McChrystal Says Retaking of Mosul Was Key, Symbolic
General McChrystal to retire from the US army
The Pentagon Dispatches Troops to the U.S. Border - ENN 2018-10-30
Should Gen. Stanley McChrystal Keep His Job?
Gen. Stanley McChrystal on 'Task' of Afghanistan
McChrystal's Milestones
At his confirmation hearing Tuesday, Lt. Gen Stanley McChrystal told the Senate Armed Services Commi
General Stanley McChrystal's Advice To Leaders
On Leadership: In Conversation With Gen. Stanley McChrystal | Breakaway CEO Summit
Gen. McChrystal talks Trump's media criticism